Student Government Association At AUSOM Arranges Halloween Movie Night!

This is the season to be spooky! Avalon University Faculty & Administration would like to thank the AUSOM SGA for hosting Halloween Movie Night! We enjoyed a fun-filled evening with spooky movies and some fantastic costumes. This was certainly an evening to remember and we are already looking forward to next year’s event.

Congratulations to the Best Costume winners in each class!

Another memorable event this term but with a bit more scare and antics. The student government association led a Halloween movie & costume night that had sightings of different characters, some scarier than others but still awesome. The fun Halloween spirit kept our spirits lifted even when we sat in the dark with our eyes fixed on the night’s movie showing, anticipating another jump or scream from ourselves or our neighbouring friend. Some students naturally fear horror and when asked what kept them present, they shared that despite the shrieking and eye covering, it was a very fun night to share with their peers and relax from their studies.
Student Government Association, SGA - Avalon University School of Medicine
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Student Government Association Halloween 202211

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