Dear Future Avalon Student, What Do You Know About Medical Schools Cost?

Dear Future Avalon Student,

Did you know that on average, for one year of attendance, United States medical schools cost about as much as a car or small home? The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) estimates U.S. medical schools cost roughly $39,237 – $63,630 for students in the first year of their MD program from 2021 – 2022.

Because U.S. medical schools cost such an exorbitant amount, many students turn their sights to Caribbean medical schools as an alternative option. In the Caribbean, medical schools cost an average of $15,000 – $17,000 per year.

At Avalon University School of Medicine, we understand the stress finances can cause students. We have worked hard to build a program that prepares students to successfully match into North American residency programs while remaining affordable.

Avalon University is currently 1 out of 11 fully accredited medical schools in the Caribbean, and that is out of 84 total medical schools. As of January 2023, Avalon’s tuition will be as follows:

Program Tuition / semester
Pre-Med Tuition (per semester) $5,900
MD Tuition (per semester) $9,900
Clinical Tuition (per semester) $12,600

Avalon believes that medical school should be open to those students who are academically eligible and capable. It is our goal to provide a quality education at an affordable price to enable all capable students to become the doctors of tomorrow.

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