Looking for Medical School Scholarships? Refer a friend and get a scholarship!

[Updated: March 9, 2023]

Medical School Scholarships can require you to submit an essay or achieve a certain GPA. However, did you know that Avalon University School of Medicine (AUSOM) offers an even easier way to get medical school scholarships to fund your education? All you have to do is tell a friend or family member to pursue their medical education at Avalon University, and your word-of-mouth recommendation can cut the cost of your tuition and fees.

All current and graduated students at AUSOM are eligible to receive a “Student Referral” credit.

Let us tell you how!

How to get YOUR “Student Referral” Credit! – Referral Credit Process

If you are an Avalon Student and believe you know someone interested in medical school, tell them to come to Avalon! Not only do you receive a credit towards your tuition, but they do as well! New students can receive a $500 credit towards their education, just by being referred by a current student or AUSOM Alumni.

On Avalon’s admissions application, there is a “How did you hear about us?” question. The student being referred needs to select “Student/Friend Referral”, and they MUST put your name in the provided “drop down” box.

If your name is not provided during the application process as the “Referrer”, you run the risk of missing out on this referral credit. If you think your name may not be on the application, please reach out to us within a week of the application’s submission, to allow us to check with the new student.

If not contacted within a week, you will not be eligible for the referral credit.

To receive these medical school scholarships, the following additional criteria must be met:

The student who has been referred must pay their full first semester tuition.

*Please note you can let us know at any time that you have referred a student, but until that student pays their full semester balance the credit cannot be awarded.

You’re probably thinking, what amount of credit do I receive for the students I refer? GREAT QUESTION!

If your referral gets accepted to our Premed, MD, or BS/MD programs , you can receive a $1,500 credit per referral. If your referral gets accepted to transfer into our clinical science program, you can receive $1,000 per referral.

If you would like to learn more about Avalon’s Referral Credit Program or our other medical school scholarships, please give us a call at our Ohio office at (330) 759-8008!

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