One of the Top Caribbean Medical Schools

Exploring the World of Medicine at Avalon University School of Medicine

On Friday, April 21st, 2023, a group of 9th-grade students from the International School of Curacao had the opportunity to visit Avalon University School of Medicine for a field trip. The day was packed with exciting activities and informative tours that left the students with a newfound appreciation for the field of medicine.

The campus tour was led by Ms. Mardy. The students were able to see the different buildings and facilities that make up the campus, including the library, lecture halls, and Labs. Ms. Mardy also shared some interesting facts about the university’s mission, which gave the students a sense of the school’s values and goals.

Caribbean Medical Schools
Top Caribbean Medical Schools

Dr. Praveen Kottathveetil gave a tour of the Physiology lab, which focused on two important medical devices, the ECG machine and Spirometer. Dr. Kottathveetil demonstrated how these devices are used to monitor heart and lung function and explained their importance in diagnosing and treating various medical conditions. The students were able to see the devices in action and even got to try them out for themselves.

Next, Dr. Tarig Ahmed gave a tour of the Clinical Skills lab, which emphasized the use of responsive mannequins and other medical simulation devices. The students were amazed by the lifelike quality of the mannequins and how they could be programmed to simulate various medical emergencies. Dr. Ahmed explained how these simulations help medical students practice their skills in a safe and controlled environment and prepare them for real-life medical situations.

The Histology and Pathology labs were the next stop on the tour, where the students were greeted by Dr. Suma and Dr. Ala. They gave an informative tour of the labs and explained the importance of studying tissues and organs at a microscopic level. The students were able to see samples of different tissues and learn how to identify them under the microscope. This was a great opportunity for the students to see the practical application of the concepts they learn in their biology classes.

Finally, the students visited the Neuroscience department, where Dr. Andrii Shmarhalov gave them a tour of the Anatomage table. This state-of-the-art technology allows students to study the human body in 3D, which is especially useful for understanding complex structures such as the brain and nervous system. The students were able to interact with the table and explore different parts of the body in detail.

Overall, the field trip was a great success. The students were engaged and enthusiastic throughout the day, and the tours were well-organized and informative. They were able to see firsthand the different areas of study within the field of medicine and gain a deeper appreciation for the work that goes into becoming a doctor. We hope that this experience will inspire some of these students to pursue a career in medicine and make a positive impact on the world.

Know why Avalon University is One of the Top Caribbean Medical Schools (Updates 2023)

  • We are the only medical school in the Caribbean to receive the maximum years of accreditation by both CAAM-HP and ACCM.
  • Avalon University is 1 of 15 out of 83 Caribbean schools that are accredited.
  • CAAM-HP & ACCM accrediting bodies have adopted standards of LCME, which accredits U.S. Medical Schools.
  • Back-to-back Clinical Rotations in the U.S.
  • Over 500 graduates either in residency or in practice across North America and around the world

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