Clinical Dean on Medical Residency Conference

An important step in a medical student’s journey comes long after the application process. Matching into an exceptional medical residency program is the goal of both students and medical schools alike. In an effort to help our students achieve this goal, select members of Avalon University School of Medicine’s (AUSOM) faculty and staff attended the National Residency Matching Program (NRMP) Conference. This conference was held October 6-8, 2022, on Coronado Island in California.

One AUSOM attendee, Dr. Lanny Wilson, Dean of Clinical Sciences, states, “the NRMP is the institution which oversees the matching of over 40,000 student applicants into between 5,000- 6,000 medical residency programs.” Dr. Wilson states that it is a priority for Caribbean medical schools to understand exactly how the matching algorithm works. Understanding the matching algorithm helps AUSOM know “how to best prepare our students for success in the medical residency matching process,” states Dr. Wilson

The NRMP recently celebrated their 70th anniversary. To observe this occasion the NRMP invited attendees to participate in a video campaign. Dr. Wilson described the question-and-answer session as private, unhurried, and relaxed. During the video session Dr. Wilson was asked to provide his suggestions for improvement in the NRMP.

Dr. Wilson found himself in the role of “ambassador” for international medical graduates (IMGs) for Caribbean medical schools, specifically AUSOM, and other international medical schools. In response to the year’s theme, Dr. Wilson suggested that “equity and inclusion might start by taking a closer look at the excellent IMGs which we (AUSOM) are making available to the match”.

IMGs have an important role to play, they will continue to be approximately 25% of the physician workforce in the USA.
Clinical Science Dean at AvalonDr. Lanny Wilson, Dean of Clinical Sciences, Avalon University School of Medicine
Clinical Science Dean at Avalon

Dr. Lanny Wilson, Dean of Clinical Sciences at Avalon University School of Medicine

Dr. Wilson, an advocate for kindness and equality in medical school education, closed his statement with the following:

“As we (AUSOM) prepare excellent, well-educated medical school graduates, the NRMP is prepared to help those graduates be fairly placed into medical residency programs that best suit their future medical practice dreams.”

Avalon University School of Medicine wishes to thank the National Residency Matching Program for their hard work and dedication to the field of medicine.

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