News & Updates

  • Tips for a Successful Transition to Clinical Rotations

Navigating Your Clinical Years: Tips for a Successful Transition and Thriving Clinical Rotations!

Navigating Your Clinical Years: Tips for a Successful Transition and Thriving Clinical Rotations! As a medical student, transitioning from the classroom to the clinical setting is a pivotal moment in your education at Avalon University School of Medicine. This shift marks the beginning of your clinical years, where you'll ...

By |October 19th, 2023|Clinical Rotations, News & Updates, Student Support|
  • Preparing for Residency Interviews A Step-by-Step Guide

Preparing for Residency Interviews: A Step-by-Step Guide

Preparing for Residency Interviews: A Step-by-Step Guide Residency interviews are a pivotal step on your journey to becoming a medical professional. They provide a platform for you to showcase your skills, knowledge, and passion for your chosen specialty. To help you shine during this crucial process, here's a step-by-step guide ...

  • Avalon clinical rotations

Dr. Gloria Laws’ Journey from Nursing to Emergency Medicine Fellowship

Mastering Medicine: Dr. Gloria Laws' Journey from Nursing to Emergency Medicine Fellowship An Encouraging Tale for Every Medical Student Dr. Gloria Laws has always wanted to be a physician, but getting there has been quite a journey! She started out as a registered nurse, and then a nurse practitioner ...

  • Avalon University

Teaching the Next Generation of Doctors to Meet the Challenges of Tomorrow: An Avalon Philosophy

Teaching the Next Generation of Doctors to Meet the Challenges of Tomorrow: An Avalon Philosophy The future of healthcare is rapidly changing, driven by advances in technology, population demographics, and economic factors. Avalon University School of Medicine is preparing its students for this future by providing them with a comprehensive ...

By |October 4th, 2023|Admissions, Campus Updates, News & Updates|