Being an accredited medical school means more opportunities for Avalon graduates.  Congratulations to Avalon graduate, Dr. Sweta Nukala, for obtaining a Family Medicine residency position at Desert Regional Medical Center in Palm Springs, California.  Dr. Nukala is the first Avalon graduate to obtain a residency position in California, and we are hopeful this will lead to many more Avalon graduates pursuing their post-graduate training in the state of California.

California has traditionally been one of the more stringent states for international medical graduates to practice medicine in, especially for medical schools located in the Caribbean.  But to Avalon’s advantage, The Medical Board of California states that a medical school must be accredited by one of the approved accrediting bodies on the ECFMG or WFME website.  With Avalon having both CAAM-HP and ACCM accreditations, which are both recognized by WFME and acceptable to ECFMG, Avalon graduates are eligible to apply for residency and practice medicine in the state of California.

All of us at Avalon are very proud of Dr. Nukala and wish her the best of luck!

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