Are you looking into medical schools in Ontario? Before you decide, READ THIS!

As of the year 2022, there are a total of 6 medical schools in Ontario, Canada. If you are a future international medical student who is considering attending a medical school in Ontario, you are limited to only 2 options as only 2 of 6 medical schools in Ontario accept international applicants. The 6 medical schools in Ontario have an average acceptance rate of 10%, making it even more difficult for an international student to gain acceptance.

In the Caribbean, there are currently a total of 84 medical schools. However, it is important to note that not all Caribbean medical schools are the same. Out of the 84 medical schools in the Caribbean, there are currently only 13 schools that have met the necessary accreditation criteria, 11 of which are FULLY accredited. Furthermore, out of the 11 fully accredited medical schools, there is only 1, Avalon University School of Medicine, that not only meets the basic accreditation criteria, but has SURPASSED it by achieving accreditation from both CAAM-HP and ACCM.

Avalon University’s accreditation status means that we have met the necessary requirements for our graduates to practice medicine in the United States AND in Canada!

If you are looking into medical schools in Ontario, Avalon University is an excellent alternative option!

Avalon University School of Medicine is accredited by CAAM- HP and ACCM.
See for yourself!

CAAM- HP: Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions

ACCM: Accreditation Commission on Colleges of Medicine


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