A Guide to Financing your Medical Education Abroad as a Canadian Student at Avalon University

Pursuing a medical education is a lifelong dream for many Canadian students. While Canadian medical schools are highly competitive and have limited spots, some aspiring doctors consider studying abroad at a Caribbean medical school as an alternative pathway. However, financing medical education abroad can pose unique challenges. Here at Avalon University, we have financial options available to help you in the payment process, and we work closely with Canadian Financial aid such as OSAP, StudentAid BC, and StudentAid Alberta to make your time as a student stress-free.

Here are things you can do to aid you in your financial journey through medical school:

Create a List of Schools and Create a Budget!:

Create a list of schools that you might be interested in attending. Research student life, the cost of tuition, housing, and programs. Once you have a few schools narrowed down, calculate what you will have to pay. This includes tuition, housing, semester fees, meal plan, etc. Once you figure out this balance, take the time to budget your finances and decide which medical university is the best fit for you and if you will need any financial assistance.

Research Student Loans and Lines of Credit:

Research which Canadian financial aid you could receive based on which province you reside in. Determine if the schools you are interested in qualify for your province’s financial assistance. It is important to keep in mind that Certain financial assistance might only be eligible if students attend Canadian medical schools.

If you do not qualify for the financial assistance or the program/university is not accepted by your province’s student financial aid organization, you may be able to qualify for a line of credit or private loan through a Canadian bank.

Research your Selected School’s Financial Assistance:

Take a look at the schools website to view scholarships, grants, and loan options that the schools offer. Don’t be afraid to call the Bursar’s office to ask any questions about the schools financial options.

Avalon University provides students with a payment plan, splitting their semester payment in multiple payments, and the option of a private loan that covers the base tuition for their students.The Avalon website also provides multiple Canadian banks that students can turn to for other loan options.

During your search through international and Canadian medical schools, we think you will find that Avalon University is the best fit for you, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Bursar’s office to get your financial questions answered!

You can reach us at the Admissions office at 330-759-8008.

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