Balancing Academic and Personal Life as a Medical Student in the Caribbean

Welcome to the whirlwind life of a medical student at Avalon University School of Medicine a medical school location in the Caribbean, on the island of Curacao. The journey ahead is marked by sleepless nights, endless studying and gallons of ANY caffeinated beverage to get through said sleepless nights and endless studying. Welcome to the life of a medical student in the Caribbean. This is where you learn not only the practice of medicine, but what you are made of.

Successfully graduating from medical school requires determination, passion, discipline, and most of all, sacrifice. While your friends may be off, enjoying more leisurely activities, you find yourself buried in textbooks studying the concepts of Neurology, Physiology and Anatomy. All the while, wondering how you are going to retain all of this information. Add to the chaos the fact that you are living in the midst of paradise. Not some little country town with only a gas station and a general store. You are living in the CARIBBEAN, on the beautiful island of Curacao. The breathtaking beach, the turquoise blue waters, the delicious food, the vibrant nightlife. The loud call of these distractions, tempting you away from your academic pursuits. Do you dare answer?

Studies have found that finding the perfect balance between work and play is CRUCIAL for your well-being and success as a student. Too much work can cause burnout, which is the OPPOSITE of your goal, to become a practicing physician. Hard work will get you where you want to go academically, but incorporating leisure time into your routine is just as crucial to your pursuits as well as your well-being.

Setting aside some time, be it daily or sporadically, to unwind and take a break, to recharge your internal battery while during your academic endeavors as a medical student, is imperative.

Here are some things to do on your well-deserved break:

  • Take a couple hours and meet up with some friends.
  • Go to the beach and soak up some vitamin D.
  • Grab a meal at your favorite restaurant.
  • Go see that new movie you have been hearing about.

Think of these moments as medicine for the soul. We all schedule time on our calendars for appointments and important events! While studying and giving your all to your education is the key to success, you need to be scheduling “you” time by setting aside time in your busy medical school schedule to ensure you have the energy to keep pushing forward.

Tips to Balancing Academic and Personal Life as a Medical Student in the Caribbean:

  1. Nutrition is vital to your well-being. Junk food may be tempting and quick, but it doesn’t provide the quality nutrients you need to perform your best.
    Instead, opt for nutrient-rich foods, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, protein. These foods will sustain good health without producing the crash we experience after eating a lot of processed food and sugar, which will be good for keeping your energy up to achieve the tasks at hand.
  2. Hydration is another important element of good health. Though soda and coffee suffice occasionally, the body and the mind need water to survive. If you find that plain water unappealing, you can make it more palatable by adding some fresh fruits for flavor.
  3. Quality Sleep is essential when you are pursuing your dream of becoming a doctor. Prioritize sleep by adhering to a set sleep schedule, by going to bed at a certain time and waking up at a certain time. Erratic slumber is detrimental to your focusing and retention abilities. Without proper rest you will find yourself reading the same paragraph over and over again without retaining the information you’re reading.
  4. Cultivate a good support system to help you through the ups and downs you will experience in this very challenging time. Laughter and a shoulder to lean on will come in handy on this journey.Stay connected with family and friends at home. Being away from your family and friends while studying in an unfamiliar place can be difficult, so just hearing a familiar voice on the other end of the phone can be all you need to get through the day.

    You’re not alone in your medical pursuits, you also have classmates that are in the same boat. Making new friends who understand and are working towards the same goal of becoming a doctor can be a valuable addition to your support system.

  5. Ask for help! There may come a time when you find yourself struggling with a particular subject. Never be afraid to reach out to a student mentor or instructor who can get you back on track. There is no weakness or shame in asking for help, and we all need it at one time or another. Avalon University’s faculty and staff have an “open door policy.” This means that there is always someone there to help when you need it.
  6. Take advantage of your school’s resources. Avalon University not only provides educational resources, but also provides mentors in both your peers and your professors. In addition to mentoring, Avalon provides access to counseling services for when you need a little additional support.

Balancing your academic and personal life can be difficult as a medical student especially when you are a medical student in the Caribbean. But do not lose hope! Through hard work, proper planning, and self-care you DO possess the capacity to thrive both academically and personally during your medical school journey. As you prepare for a future career of caring for others, don’t neglect your own well-being.

There is a hard and rewarding road ahead of you. Take the time now, to learn the skills that will allow you to have the strength and stamina to travel that road to the end. To graduation. To MD! Before you know it you will be walking across the stage at commencement and you will have the title of physician!

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